What People Are Saying

A few words from tax preparers who use the BbFTax Biz-in-a-Box. Please contact us if you want to send us your testimonial… we’d love to hear from you!
Davina had NO TAX EXPERIENCE. We laugh because when she first started with us, she talked about this industry being a foreign language to her.

She has been with us for 6 years now. She also started with about 30 clients and with our coaching she is now over 200 Clients.

Davina just bought her first house this year!

Davina W.


This year was RJ’s first year with us, he had no experience in the industry and he thought that he could depend on referrals instead of a marketing system.

RJ had a great first year after learning how to generate leads.

As a single father, he is well on his way to becoming a 3-Month Mogul!


Las Vegas

When I started working with Pam in 2014, she was working for a tax company and getting paid minimum wage.

With us she started with around 30 clients and now has over 400 clients this year.

We also taught Pam how to hire 6 of her own preparers that work under her.

She is a stay at home mom and makes more money in 3 months, then most make all year!

Pam B.

North Carolina

All-Inclusive & Free Tax Business

Take advantage of this up-coming tax season.
Your BbFTax Biz-in-a-Box requires ABSOLUTELY no up-front cost for everything you need for a turn-key tax business.

Free Tax Software Trainings

Includes Mobile Document App Securely, which allows you to share & sync tax documents & easily scan/request documents on-the-go.

Premium Options Available

Branded Tax Software |  Business Startup Services | EFIN Application Assistance | Access to Prior Year Tax Returns | One-on-One Strategic Planning

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